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简介专业:Economics [MRes]链接:https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/economics/课程设置:Core coursesEconometr ...
专业:Economics [MRes]
Core courses
Econometrics 计量经济学
Macroeconomics 1 宏观经济学1
Macroeconomics 2 宏观经济学2
Microeconomics 1 微观经济学1
Microeconomics 2 微观经济学2
Quantitative methods. 定量方法
Optional courses may include
Behavioural economics 行为经济学
Contract theory 契约理论
Decision theory 决策论
Economic growth: Theory and 布里numericalsolution methods 经济增长:理论和数值解方法
Game theory 博弈论
Industrial organization 产业组织论
International macroeconomics 国际宏观经济学
Market microstructure 市场微观结构
Methods of economic dynamics 经济动力学方法
Microfoundations of macroeconomics 宏观经济的微观基础
Networks and games 网络和游戏
Time series analysis 时间序列分析
Welfare and mechanism design. 福利和机器设计
学术要求:2.1 Honours degree or non-UK equivalent in economics or relatedsubject with substantial technical component (e.g. mathematics, statistics,physics, engineering) You will also need to submit a personal statement whichclearly evidences a strong desire to pursue an academic career in economics andshow evidence of exposure to multivariable calculus, matrix algebra and basicprobability/statistics. Only academic references will be accepted. Refereeswill know the applicants in the capacity of students/researchers, not frominternship or work in private/public sector. Applicants are encouraged tosubmit any additional (academic) documents they believe will support theirapplication.
overall score 6.5
two sub-tests no less than 6.5, no sub-testless than 6.0
or equivalent scores in another recognisedqualification:
This programme provides you with thoroughpreparation for PhD research, and completion at a sufficiently high levelguarantees admission into the Glasgow Economics PhD programme. You will also beextremely well-positioned to be accepted for PhD study in other universities.Upon completion of the programme you will be equipped to pursue careers inacademia, government, industry or consulting. We have a dedicated careers andemployability team who provide 1-2-1 support and advice, group workshops,employer events on campus and networking opportunities throughout the year tohelp you with your career prospects.
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