We would like to share with you an important update from the School of Business. MSc Economics is 最近no longer operating in September 2018. If your students currently held the offers for this course, don’t worry. An email from our Admissions team will be sent to your student’s personal and his consultants’ email addresses about this course closure and transfer his place to MSc Financial Economics plus a tuition discount of £2,000. To accept this generous offer, please advise your student to reply to the email from our Admissions team and process the CAS request as soon as possible.
If your students didn’t know well about MSc Financial Economics Program,相关消息 please advise below information as reference. The MSc’s in Economics and Financial Economics are very similar programmes. Both degrees also have strong similarities in that they include Core Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics. They also share other modules. For example, theory of Finance is an optional module on MSc Economics but core on MSc Financial Economics. Both degrees are designed to allow students to enter careers requiring advanced knowledge of economic topics or to continue to do a PhD degree. The MSc Financial Economics, however, has several advantages over MSc Economics –it has a wider selection of options available allowing you to more fully tailor your degree. Further the MSc Financial Economics has historically attracted a good cohort allowing students to interact and work with a range of fellow students from around the world.
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