作者:综合 来源:知识 浏览: 【大 中 小】 发布时间:2025-01-11 01:25:04 评论数:
欢迎访问启德留学北京分公司 欢迎咨询启德教育留学顾问
最近大家都被 “爱丁堡”大学给整蒙圈了,幺蛾子在出台list之后,爱丁今年又把13个专业提升了等级。学又。出啦。幺蛾子。爱丁
在原来19个band B的学又专业中选出13个专业(商学院除MBA外的所有专业)提升为band A;
Band A:优先名单上的出啦大学,要求均分85%以上;
Band B:优先名单上的幺蛾子大学,要求均分80%以上;
Band C:优先名单上的爱丁大学,要求均分80%以上,学又以及其他受认可大学,出啦均分85%以上;
Band D:任何认可的幺蛾子大学,要求均分80%以上。爱丁
也就是学又说从band B提升为band A的13个专业,目前的申请要求是:
只认可优先名单的大学共148所:985+211+双非双一 流+2所双非+9所大陆地区的港澳中外院校。
均分最 低要求提升到了85.
原来19个band B专业
- Accounting and Finance
- Applied Linguistics
- Banking and Risk
- Business Analytics
- Climate Change Finance and Investment
- Commercial Law - Corporate Law
- English Language
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Finance - Finance, Technology and Policy
- Global Strategy & Sustainability
- Human Resource Management
- Intellectual Property Law
- International Business and Emerging Markets
- International Human Resource Management
- Management - Marketing - Marketing and Business Analysis
23年提升为band A等级的专业
- Accounting and Finance
- Banking and Risk
- Business Analytics
- Climate Change Finance and Investment
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Finance - Finance, Technology and Policy
- Global Strategy & Sustainability
- Human Resource Management
- International Human Resource Management
- Management - Marketing - Marketing and Business Analysis
邮件内容如下:Since the applications for 2022/23 recruitment cycle has almost come to an end and you probably have already been working with prospective students now for autumn applications. I'd like to share you with the admissions update for King's Business School (KBS) in 2023/24 cycle.KBS will be encouraging postgraduate taught applicants to submit their GMAT/GRE scores when applying for one of the KBS programmes. This will assist the admissions team to differentiate between the very high numbers of well qualified applicants from around the world.Applicants can supply their GMAT or GRE score via King’s Apply but it will not be a compulsory pre-requisite to apply, nor is it required to be eligible for an offer. If applicants are made offers, it will also not be made a condition of an offer. Kindly noted GMAT or GRE score are not required to be provided as part of the application, but a well-balanced score may strengthen the application (For GMAT, 670+ and 324 for GRE, 70-75% in verbal reasoning). A statement with details will be added to the KBS postgraduate taught programmes online prospectus shortly in case you need further information.
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